Searching for a White ChristmasWell, Nanny and BaBa are here visiting for Canada, so we wanted to do something fun together today. We thought about going to play in the snow at Mt.Rainier but snow chains were required, then Dad (Brent) saw that they were expecting snow in a little town about an hour away called Morton, so we drove there, but there was NO SNOW!
We decided to continue on to the foot of Rainier anyway, just to see the snow. As we approached the Mt. it started snowing, we drove to a little parking/walking area and the road was pretty white. We got bundled, went for a wee walk to a river, and had this nice picture of our WHOLE family together taken :D Then we headed back to the vehicles as the snow was coming down pretty steady, of course BaBa had to start a little snowball flinging enterprise on the way ;p We got some good videos of that action, even Nanny was freely flinging! Little Derek was busy shoveling and filling his wheelbarrow (yes he insisted that we bring it ;)) with snow and missed the whole flinging thing, while Caleb was content to totter around tasting this odd stuff blowing into his face! It was snowing quite hard as you can see so we thought it best to head home, however, the Men Folk decided they needed lunch at a restaurant, so just maybe a mile out of the park us Ladies left them and drove on together with our little boys.
Nanny did not have an easy time, just a few minutes into our snowy drive home we saw a car in the ditch upside down, the people all looked fine, they were there unloading the car, but for the rest of our drive home, nearly 2 hours, Nanny's nerves were on edge! It was snowing and the road was icy nearly every minute of the drive! When we got home, we found that if we had stayed, the snow would have come to us, Mimi said that it snowed at home within about 30mins of us leaving! :o
Nanny said it was due too many people were dreaming of a White Christmas ;p
Hope you all had a good day too!