So folks the latest news is that if things go according to schedule (normally this would make me laugh as we are already 5 months OFF schedule....but there really isn't that much work left!) we will be home owners on the first of July!
Yippadee do dah I say!
Poor Brent has been working such long hours out there that he has not seen the boys awake for two whole days now :( I am totally looking forward to being able to function as a FAMILY again!
The thought of being able to travel to Canada together has me almost giddy :D That will still be a while off though. Of course owning a home as most of you know has its own trials (please don't shoot me for thinking ahead, somebody has to do it!) so I have been thinking of where to get a lawn mower, what kind of water filter, vacuum, window covers to buy/find, how to lower bills, etc.... not all of it is stressful though, I have also been planning with much excitement our yard and garden.
I have great expectations (but actually very little experience :s) in our yards ability to produce food for us, I am hoping to plant a cherry tree or two, maybe an apricot, and a plum. I already have 3 blueberry plants (a b-day present from Ma and Pa Pearson :D), and wads of kale starts from an old plant I was growing here, they are growing like weeds!
So I will leave you with that, oh and my angst that they are planning to HYDROSEED our yard!!!!! I will phone tomorrow and see if I can save at least the back yard from this fate!
*** for those of you who don't know, I am into organics in a big way and not keen on chemicals, hydroseeding is a chemical cocktail!***
Here is a sweet picture that was missed when I posted Jon and Michelle's visit, a Caleb smile for Nanny too!
5 years ago
Yipee, I can't wait to see it! Hehehe, don't worry, I can wait a few months so you can be a family again. Congratulations! Way to go Brent!
What exciting wonderful news! Thanks for sharing the pictures too.
Well, it's about blasted time :) SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!! And selfishly happy because that means you can all come visit us :) :)
Love you!!
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